Glow X Yarisbeth

Full Name: Yarisbeth Itzel Donaldson referred to as “Yarisbeth”. she’s currently a freelance makeup artist, an educator and a model.

What drew me to her was her glowy skin. currently I am obsessed with glowy skin. (Well I’m basically always obsessed with glowy skin). There’s something magical about her skin, always looks glowy and radiant. I love it when she pairs her look with nude lip gloss or lipstick, It adds up perfectly to a really radiant, glowy overall look.

Her makeup application is so subtle, yet so stunning and you can definitely learn a thing or two. Also on her snapchat, she walks you through what she does, the products she uses and you know all that good stuff .




she has such flawless skin
she has such flawless skin
check out the tutorial here

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